Oklahoma Real Estate Continuing Education (CE)

Earn your Oklahoma Real Estate CE units Online

As a licensed real estate Agent you are required to complete your first renewal continuing education within four years following initial licensure. Real estate agents who are renewing an original license for the first time, must complete five separate three-hour DRE-approved continuing education courses in Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, Fair Housing and Risk Management.

Packages Info Hours Price

22 Hour Oklahoma Package 1 More Less 22.0 $99.00

22 hours Oklahoma Package #1 APPROVED FOR: 22 HOURS

The package includes the following courses:

* Broker Relations
* Fair Housing
* Ethics
* Reduction of Risk
* Asset Mgt
* Home Inspection

22 Hour Oklahoma Package 2 More Less 22.0 $99.00

22 hours Oklahoma Package #3 APPROVED FOR: 22 HOURS

The package includes the following courses:

* Broker Relations
* Fair Housing
* Professional Conduct
* Reduction of Risk
* Closing RE Trans
* Closing Documents
* Negotiating RE Trans

Individual Courses Info Hours Price

Anti-Trust Deceptive Trade and the MLS More Less 3.0 $15.00

Anti-Trust Deceptive Trade & the MLS ( 3 Hours Hot Topic)

While the federal antitrust laws remain the most significant laws to promote competition, there are other related federal and state laws which are important. These laws specifically include the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Oklahoma Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, for the purposes of this course. Topics covered: The Sherman Act-Reasons for Passage, Civil and Criminal Provisions, Consent Decrees, Proving Violations, Per Se Rule and The Rule of Reason, Multiple Listing Services and statutes of the Oklahoma Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

Asset Management More Less 3.0 $15.00

Asset Management (3 Hour Elective)

This Asset Management course provides an introduction to the basics of asset management. It introduces the student to the key ideas and concepts of management. This process includes such decisions as whether or not to renew a lease for a tenant, purchase or lease more assets, improve, sell or rent one's current assets, etc. The asset manager must be aware of market trends and indicators and must be able to accurately predict the cash inflows and outflows of his or her own holdings. The student will learn how to handle distressed properties and how to successfully market a revenue-increasing strategy.

Broker Relationships ActMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Broker Relationships Act (3 hours, Required)

On November 1, 2000, the Law of Agency, as it relates to buyers and sellers was abrogated by the Oklahoma Broker Relationships Act. This course defines the following Oklahoma Broker relationships and their duties and responsibilities: Broker, Party, Single-party broker, Transaction and Transaction broker. The real estate professional will also learn the Do's and Don'ts for all Broker relationships.

Checking the HUD-1 More Less 3.0 $15.00

Checking the HUD-1 (3 hours, Elective)

After the HUD-I form seems to be completed, the closer has the responsibility of going back over the form to see that everything is correct. Many errors which occur on the form come from charging an item on one side of the form without debiting or crediting to offset the same elsewhere on the statement. This course identifies common mistakes and teaches the professional how to balance the form correctly. When used correctly, the HUD-I Form may also be used as a tool for revealing and solving closing problems. Topics include: escrow holdback, payment of buyer's prior debt, Code of Federal Regulations-Part 3500-Appendix A, line item instructions, statutes and regulations governing use, printing, and delivery of HUD-I.

Closing a Real Estate TransactionMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Closing a Real Estate Transaction (3 hours, Elective)

All details of the purchase contract must be handles or prepared for between the time of signing by the parties and the actual closing meeting. The details of title search and the curing of any problems, decision as to how the buyer may take title, loan arrangements, check of property records, inspections, reports, etc., must all be accomplished to complete a closing. To help the real estate professional understand this, the following topics are discussed: company closer, renegotiations, settlement statement, "Dry or "Tender" closing, basic procedures in closing preparation, processing closing, initial review, real estate purchase contract, loan closing instructions, special clauses, responsibilities, earnest money deposit, ordering title work, title problems, commitment and exceptions, conflicts, loan payoff on existing mortgage, release of mortgage, survey, inspections and taxes and assessments.

Closing Documents More Less 6.0 $30.00

Closing Documents (3 hours, Elective)

The closer is responsible for preparing the closing documents. These may include: HUD-I Settlement Statement, Deed, Affidavit of No Liens, Satisfaction of Mortgage, Request a Full Reconveyance, Miscellaneous Affidavits to clear title, Quit Claim Deed to clear title or for special interests. This course covers the following topics: errors, preparation of the settlement statement, HUD-I Form including usual use, overview and sources of information for completing the HUD-I Form; the real estate purchase contract, transaction control sheet, assumptions, calculations, prorations, RESPA and taxes.

Code of EthicsMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Code of Ethics in Real Estate Practice (6 Hour Required)

This module Code of Ethics in Real Estate Practice course covers the standards of conduct and ethical judgment that contribute to ethical business practices. This course will introduce the student to morals and ethics, define each term, address the four approaches to ethical decision-making, teach the Articles and Standard Practices of the NAR® Code of Ethics, and study ethics complaints, arbitration, mediation, unethical conduct, antitrust laws, violations of antitrust laws and professional and ethical business practices

Effective Communications in Management More Less 4.0 $20.00

Effective Communications in Management (3 hours, Elective)

Communications are those varieties of ways people use to convey an idea or information from one brain to another. Every spoken or written word is subject to interpretation. The speaker or writer interprets and means something by every word which may not be the same interpretation of the listener or reader. Each interpretation is based on the experience of the listener or reader. This course covers the following topics in communication: passive/aggressive behavior, indirect/assertive communication, self-talk that leads to passive/aggressive/indirect/assert behavior, delivery of messages, attentive/active/non-defensive listening, I-language, roadblocks to effective listening and includes a case study in communications breakdown.

Environmental HazardsMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Environmental Hazards (4 hours)

This Environmental Hazards course introduces licensees to environmental issues and explains their responsibility to disclose to buyers any information that might affect their decision to buy. Environmental hazards can dramatically affect a property's value, so buyers, sellers, lenders and licensees all can be affected by them. Students will learn to identify internal and external environmental issues. They will learn about health hazards, environmental legislation, liability and responsibility for cleanup and protection. They will also learn about actions they should take and how issues affect licensees and lending.

Establishing a Real Estate Office More Less 4.0 $20.00

Establishing a Real Estate Office (3 hours, Elective)

Before establishing a real estate brokerage operation, the real estate broker should evaluate the various forms of business organizations in an effort to determine which type is best suited for his/her specific goals. This course covers Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations, Site selection, Office design, personnel types, the employee/licensee selection process, and the advantages of buying an existing firm or starting a new company.

Fair Housing - 4 HoursMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Fair Housing (4 hours)

This Fair Housing course covers broad issues on fair housing laws. Specifically, the student will learn: what fair housing laws exist, what classes of individuals are covered under these laws, how discrimination is defined in real estate, how can one avoid discriminating practices, and what the consequences are for non-compliance with fair housing laws.

Fair Housing - 3 Hours More Less 3.0 $15.00

Fair Housing (3 hours)

This Fair Housing course covers broad issues on fair housing laws. Specifically, the student will learn: what fair housing laws exist, what classes of individuals are covered under these laws, how discrimination is defined in real estate, how can one avoid discriminating practices, and what the consequences are for non-compliance with fair housing laws.

Home InspectionMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Home Inspection (3 Hour Elective)

This Home Inspection course instructs real estate licensees on the basics of home inspection. This course presents an overview of the home inspection business and explains how it fits into the real estate industry as a whole. In addition, the course covers the regulatory bodies and professional organizations associated with home inspection. At the conclusion of this course, the student will understand the methods used to inspect homes, will know what to look for when examining properties, both inside and out, and will understand the various types of inspection reports and the differences between them.

HUD-1 More Less 3.0 $15.00

HUD –1 (3 hours, Elective)

This course discusses where and for whom the entries are made on the HUD-I Form, including seller debits and credits, contract sales price, transfer of security or other deposits, broker commission, mortgage loan costs, title/abstract fees and related charges, attorney's fees and title insurance, lender's and owner's coverage, recording fees, miscellaneous closing costs, borrower's debits and credits, new lender and purchase money mortgage, transfer of deposits, and lender pre-paid and reserves.

Introduction to ZoningMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Introduction to Zoning (3 hours, Elective)

Providing basic information about urban planning and zoning ordinances and their vital and significant role is the sole intent of this course. Topics include: police power and general powers of municipalities, planned unit development provisions, Board of Adjustment, the process of local government planning, special zoning districts, individual use considerations, zoning changes, subdivision regulations, building codes and variances.

Laws Affecting a Real Estate Office More Less 3.0 $15.00

Laws Affecting a Real Estate Office (3 Hours, Core Subject-Hot Topic)

This course covers the laws governing real estate offices. Topics covered include Place of Business requirements, office identification, trade names, advertising, types of licenses, licensing requirements, corporation closing requirements or partial ceasing of real estate activities, nonresident licensing, agreements and applicants, Trust Account Procedures, responsibilities of associates, disclosures, and revoked, surrendered or cancelled licenses.

Negotiations in Real Estate TransactionsMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Negotiations in Real Estate Transactions (3 hours, Elective)

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties to do or not to do something. Consideration is the exchange promised in the contract. In a real estate purchase contract, it is usually an exchange of promises. The buyer promises to "purchase and pay" if the seller will "sell and convey" title and possession of the property. This course discusses Contracts and Consideration, administrative tasks, discharge of contracts, negotiations and tactics, basics of quality negotiations, laws affecting negotiations, Oklahoma Real Estate Code, Oklahoma Real Estate Commission Rules, comparative advantage, legal consideration and principled negotiations.

Orec Auditing and Investigations More Less 3.0 $15.00

OREC Auditing & Investigations (3 Hours, Required Hot Topic)

The fundamental purpose of OREC is to safeguard the public interest through encouraging and requiring high standards of knowledge; through encouraging ethical practices; through disciplining licensees who engage in dishonest, fraudulent or criminal activities in the conduct of real estate transactions; and through causing the prosecution of any person who violates the "Oklahoma Real Estate License Code". Real estate professionals will learn about the jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission, penalties, the complaint process, auditing procedures and trust account data through the use of case studies.

PMI and Alternative FinancingMore Less 3.0 $15.00

PMI and Alternative Financing (3 hours, Elective)

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is insurance on conventional loans indemnifying the lending institutions against default on the mortgage by the borrower. This course teaches the professional the following topics: Development of Mortgage Insurance, Underwriting Mortgage Guaranty Insurance, claims, reserve requirements, coverage, private mortgage insurance premiums, alternative financing techniques, seller financing, wraparound mortgage, contract for deed and lease with option to purchase.

Professional Conduct (Code of Ethics) More Less 3.0 $15.00

Professional Conduct (Code of Ethics) (3 hours, Required)

This lesson focuses on The Preamble and Articles and Standard Practices of the Code of Ethics. The NAR ® Code of Ethics establishes a basis for professionalism. The course covers duties to clients and customers, duties to the public and duties to Realtors®.

Property ManagementMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Property Management (3 hours, Elective)

This course discusses the laws governing who is required to have a real estate license, classification of real property, commercial property, industrial property, residential property, duties of the property manager, establishing management, purchasing existing management operations, business plans, agreements and other contracts and forms used in property management. Also included are the Americans With Disabilities Act, Fair Housing, rent collection and policies, notice to quit, eviction and eviction process in Oklahoma law, collections and collection agencies.

Quality Managment in a Real Estate Firm More Less 3.0 $15.00

Quality Management in a Real Estate Firm (3 Hours, Elective)

Quality control is insuring that minimum variations have been designed and built into a product or service. This lesson will discuss access time, accumulated delay, action time, conformance, CQI, management by exception, optimum conformity, perception, performance indicators, productivity, quality, quality control, service industry, time management and training.

Real Estate Brokerage OperationsMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Real Estate Brokerage Operations (3 hours, Elective)

A successful brokerage starts with a business plan. The business plan will include policies and procedures for the office. Topics in this course include: creating a policy manual, operating accounts, Trust Accounts including Interest Bearing Accounts and account reconciliation, record keeping, disputes about earnest money and security deposits, Interpleader, commission splits, and marketing plans.

Real Estate Finance More Less 3.0 $15.00

Real Estate Finance (3 Hours Elective)

This Real Estate Finance course provides an introduction to residential real estate finance, including how to underwrite FHA, VA, FNMA and FHLMC loans. The course provides and understanding of how to calculate loan amounts, estimate monthly payments, property taxes, hazard and mortgage insurance, and qualifying ratios and income.

Real Estate InsuranceMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Real Estate Insurance (3 hours, Elective)

The purpose of insurance is to "shift the risk of loss" from the individual to a large number of people who are exposed to similar risks. By sharing these risks, the individual's cost for protection is reduced to an affordable level. Topics covered include: Kinds of Policies, coverage, limits of liability, exclusions, disclosures, flood insurance, title insurance and errors & omissions insurance.

Reduction of Risk More Less 3.0 $15.00

Reduction of Risk (3 Hours, Core-subject-Hot Topic)

Risk Reduction is a pro-active method of protecting yourself and the best interest of the party or parties you represent. Topics for this course include: errors and omissions insurance, environmental issues, Fair Housing, managing risks, selection of employee/independent contractors, anti-trust laws, and realtor safety rules are covered extensively during this course. Single-Party Broker descriptions and Transaction Broker descriptions are included.

Strategic PlanningMore Less 3.0 $15.00

Strategic Planning (3 hours, Elective)

A strategic plan is the company's vision of its own future. Strategic planning is the continuing process whereby a company envisions a desired future and develops procedures and operations to gain that future. This course discusses getting ready to plan through research, data generation, developing and implementing alternatives, values examination, mission statement prioritization and formulation, performance audits, gap analysis and integration of plans.

Using the Internet to Serve Clients More Less 3.0 $15.00

Using the Internet to Serve Clients (3 Hour Elective)

This Using the Internet to Serve Clients course discusses Internet basics, the Internet's effects on the real estate industry, ways to create effective websites, Internet marketing techniques, and email. This course offers specific advice on how to use email effectively and discusses spam and its implications for real estate professionals.

Oklahoma Education Requirements

Salesperson Provisional Sales Associate

A provisional sales associate (PSA) is an entry level licensee, which is under the supervision of a real estate broker. A PSA can not enter into contractual agreements with a customer or client in his or her own name, but must enter into such agreement for and in the name of their sponsoring broker. In order to apply for a PSA license, a person must be of good moral character, eighteen (18) years of age or older, and submit evidence to the Commission of successful completion of Part I of ninety (90) clock hours of basic real estate instruction in a course that is approved by the Commission.

Upon passing the state examination and obtaining a PSA license from the Commission, the PSA has a Part II post-license education requirement of forty-five (45) clock hours that must be completed within the first year of obtaining a license. The Commission has identified core subject matter that qualifies to meet this requirement; and also approves other subject matter totaling forty-five (45) clock hours or more, as long as it is real estate related and is approved by the Commission. Once a PSA has completed Part II of the course requirement and has provided the Commission with evidence of such completion, at the end of their one-year license term their license will be issued as a sales associate (SA) license (upon submission of the appropriate form and fees.)

Sales Associate

A sales associate (SA) license is the same as a provisional sales associate (PSA) license except: 1) the sales associate no longer has a forty-five (45) clock hour Part II post-license education requirement, but rather has a twenty-one (21) clock hour continuing education requirement each active license term; and 2) the sales associate license is a three-year renewable license, as opposed to the provisional sales license which is only a one-year license.

In order to obtain a SA type of license, a person must be of good moral character, eighteen (18) years of age or older, and submit evidence to the Commission of successful completion of ninety (90) clock hours of basic real estate instruction in a course that is approved by the Commission.

Upon passing the state examination a sales associate must work under the sponsorship of a real estate broker. A sales associate cannot enter into contractual agreements with a customer or client in his or her own name but must enter into such agreement for and in the name of their sponsoring broker.


A broker license allows a person to do business as a firm and sponsor licensed associates (provisional sales associates, sales associates or broker associates.) The broker will be responsible for activities of their associates. In order for an applicant to apply for a broker license, the applicant must be of good moral character, possess two (2) years of active experience, or its equivalent, as a PSA or SA within the past five (5) years, and submit evidence of successful completion of ninety (90) clock hours of advanced real estate instruction in a course that is approved by the Commission.

A broker applicant may request the two years experience to be waived but no education course content may be waived. The broker applicant must show proof of successful completion in the basic, provisional post-license (or its equivalent) and advanced course of study prior to qualifying for the broker examination. Upon request from the Commission, an applicant may attempt to qualify for the two (2) year waiver and must submit all documentation as required by the Commission to verify the waiver. Upon passing the state examination, a broker has the option of applying for a license as a broker associate, proprietor broker, managing broker for a corporation or association, or as a broker partner of a partnership.