New York Real Estate Continuing Education (CE)

Earn your New York Real Estate CE units Online

As a licensed real estate Agent you are required to complete your first renewal continuing education within four years following initial licensure. Real estate agents who are renewing an original license for the first time, must complete five separate three-hour DRE-approved continuing education courses in Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, Fair Housing and Risk Management.

Packages Info Hours Price

New York 22.5 Hr Real Estate CE Package More Less 22.5 $110.00

22.5 Hour New York Real Estate Continuing Education

The 22.5 Hour Real Estate CE course is a comprehensive online education program designed for anyone wanting to renew their real estate license in New York.

The New York Department of State requires salesperson licensees to complete 22.5 hours of continuing education every 2 years. Our online package satisfies all NY DOS requirements and gives you the flexibility to take your CE courses whenever and wherever it's convenient for you.

This course meets the state requirement for 22.5 hours of approved continuing education and the mandatory 4 hour Fair Housing course to satisfy the 22.5 hours continuing education requirement in New York.

New York Real Estate CE

Course Package Description – 22.5 Hour Real Estate CE

Our 22.5 Hour Real Estate Continuing Education course has been reviewed and accepted by ARELLO for online distribution. The real estate program covers 22.5 hours of courses, required by The New York Department of State (NYDOS), that apply toward Real Estate CE course completion certificate.

Facts about this course package
– 22.5 Hour Continuing Education

* The course is for anyone wanting to renew their real estate license in New York.
* Intended for Realtor, real estate agents, and real estate firm owners.
* The course is a minimum of 22.5 hours in length. You can take longer to complete it.
* You may review any section you have already taken prior to testing.
* The course is fully accepted by NYDOS and credited by ARELLO.
* Upon completion, you may print out your certification on some courses.
* Each of the lesson's have a quiz that must be passed so that you can move on to the Final Exam. You must get a minimum of 70% or higher score. Failed final exam may be retaken up to 2 additional times.
* The complete price is $110.00.
* No need to worry about security because our sign up pages are secure. Simply click on the enroll now graphic at the top of this page or you can also click the enroll buttons found on the course catalog below, then register, pay and start the course now or later.
* The courses are purely web-based. You may take part of it at home, log-out and resume the course at work or any other computer as long as you have an internet connection.
* You may take the course at you own pace.
* You have up to 6 months from the start of the course to complete it.
* The course has 24/7 customer support by telephone, email and live chat.
* Call us toll free at 1 888-360-8764

The package includes the following courses:

* Real Appraisal – Computer Based (3.5 hours)
* Fair Housing (4 hours)
* Home Inspection (3.5 hours)
* Liens, Taxes & Foreclosures (3.5)
* Contracts, Purchase & Sales Agreements (4 Hours)
* Environmental Hazards (4 Hours)

Individual Courses Info Hours Price

Asset Management More Less 3.0 $15.00


This course covers broad issues and components of asset management plans. It also explains the discounted cash flow analysis. And the impact of the different assumptions on discounted cash flow analysis. It further explains the factors to consider deciding whether to buy or lease property.


* Discounted cash flow analysis
* The components of Asset Management Plans
* How to compare Alternative Asset Management
* The impact of different assumptions on discounted cash flow analysis
* The factors to consider to deciding whether to buy or lease property
* The different alternatives to maximize return from distressed property
* The factors in deciding whether to sell or hold a property


* Introduction
* LESSON 1: Asset Management Essentials
* LESSON 2: Case Study: A Successful Renovation
* LESSON 3: Asset Management Assumptions
* LESSON 4: The Decision to Buy or Lease
* LESSON 5: Distressed Property Decisions
* LESSON 6: The Disinvestment Decision
* LESSON 7: Complexities of Real Investment
* LESSON 8: Real Estate Market Research


State agents need to complete 22.5 hours of state approved elective courses every 2 years, and renew every two years from the date their license was received.

SEAT TIME: This course has been approved for 3 hours.



Quizzes - All quizzes must be taken to proceed forward to the next lesson. Final Exam - You will NOT be required to take a final exam.


After course completion, you will print and complete a course completion certificate and fax to the school. New York Department of State will be notified within one business week and a certificate mailed within 7-14 business days.

1031 Exchanges More Less 3.0 $15.00

The objective of this course is to enlighten the participant in the many important aspects of Internal Revenue Code Section 1031. The course will focus on the benefits of the §1031 exchange for the investor, licensed real estate agent/broker and other parties to the transaction. Participants will learn exactly what qualifies under Section 1031 and, furthermore, how to utilize the various types of §1031 exchange formats to enhance their clients' position in the investment real estate market. Real-life examples will be used to illustrate the important procedural issues as well as the IRS Rules and Regulations.

Real Propery Ownership and Land UseMore Less 3.5 $15.00

This course explores the meaning of real property ownership and the differences between real estate and personal property. Although these terms are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation, there are different rights associated with these different commodities. It is important that licensees understand the differences between them and are able to explain the distinctions to their clients and customers. This course addresses the following topics:

* Personal and Real Property Ownership
* Land Description
* Controlling Development
* Real Estate Practice Lesson

Throughout this course, the student will learn how different commodities—land, real estate, and real property – transfer and relate to one another. In addition, the student will learn about land use theory and come to understand how our federal, state, municipal and private authorities govern and plan our communities. This course covers legal descriptions as well as informal descriptions, the development of these concepts and the role they play in the real estate industry.

This course's final lesson presents real-world dilemmas and provides opportunities to apply the information covered in the rest of the course. As the student completes this course, he or she should try to develop a broad understanding of real property use and to place this understanding within the larger context of real estate practice as a whole. This final lesson aims to help the student achieve this goal using comprehensive content questions, practice examples and case studies.

Home Inspection More Less 3.5 $15.00


This course presents an overview of the home inspection business and explains how it fits into the real estate industry as a whole. In addition, the course covers the regulatory bodies and professional organizations associated with home inspection. At the conclusion of this course, the student will understand the methods used to inspect homes, will know what to look for when examining properties, both inside and out, and will understand the various types of inspection reports and the differences between them.


* Understand the development of home inspection in the inspection business
* Appreciate an inspector's role at closing in residential sales transactions
* Know the tools needed and conduct expected in the field
* Distinguish various field report styles and know the benefits and drawbacks to each
* Understand an inspector's professional liability
* Recognize the steps in the examination process
* Identify common misconceptions about home inspection
* Value membership to a reputable, non-profit home inspection organization
* Know the extent of home inspection legislation
* Appreciate the different ways states regulate the home inspection industry


o LESSON 1: The Role of Home Inspection
o LESSON 2: In the Field
o LESSON 3: The Inspection Process
o LESSON 4: Common Misconceptions of Home Inspection
o LESSON 5: Professional Standards
o LESSON 6: Home Inspection Legislation

Liens, Taxes and ForeclosuresMore Less 3.5 $15.00



This course discusses liens, taxes and foreclosures. There are many types of liens as well as several kinds of taxes that can attach to a parcel of real estate. When borrowers default on a debt, foreclosure is the process by which lien-holders collect the unpaid portion of a debt. Because liens represent an interest in real property, it is crucial that real state licensees develop an in-depth understanding of liens and lien-related issues. Such knowledge also helps licensees to better advise buyers and sellers. The first lesson presents a general overview of liens, explains the classification of liens and discusses the types of non-tax liens. We then discuss taxes and tax issues, including ad valorem taxes, real estate tax computation, special assessments, real estate transfer taxes, federal income taxes, capital gains taxes, and tax shelters for homeowners and investors. We also include a discussion about the priority of liens and the methods of foreclosure, redemption, deficiency judgments, tips for homeowners facing foreclosure, and scams related to foreclosure.

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

* Be able to define the terms lien and tax lien and understand their operation.
* Recognize the different types of liens and know how their priority is established.
* Be able to identify and describe types of non-tax liens.
* Understand how ad valorem taxes and special assessments are levied.
* Know how homeowners and investors can save on federal income taxes and capital gains taxes through the use of tax shelters.
* Be able to describe and list different types of foreclosures.
* Recognize alternatives to foreclosure and common scams related to foreclosure.

Real Appraisal - Computer Based More Less 3.5 $15.00


In order to own and convey property in a market economy it is necessary for that property to be assigned a specific monetary value. This process, unlike, say, that of assigning value to durable goods—which have specific materials, production and marketing costs—can be somewhat more involved. With property, the fixed costs—building materials and labor costs—are always accompanied by more esoteric factors that go to make property more (or less) valuable. Becoming a member of the group that understands and applies these factors is a bit more complex than simply being able to understand a balance sheet.

The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the principles, theories, duties and activities that pertain to real estate appraisal and valuation. Developing an opinion of value is what the real estate appraiser does, but, as we've alluded to, this is far from an effortless process. Understanding the obligation of the real estate industry to promote professionalism and ethical business practices is a beginning to being able to carry out this process such that it is beneficial to licensees, consumers and the market in which they do business.

Contracts, Purchases and Sales AgreementsMore Less 4.0 $19.00


Clear, mutually-acceptable agreements are an essential component of the legal transference of ownership. In the practice of real estate, contracts are the instruments used to describe and record the agreements surrounding the conveyance of property. Some type of contract is nearly always involved, whether a salesperson is promising to sell a property within a specified period of time, a prospective buyer is placing an offer on a house or a seller is considering an offer on property.

Before entering into a legally binding agreement, real estate professionals must fully understand the contracts that govern their industry. Failure to understand contracts opens a licensee to various kinds of liability and can seriously damage one's professional reputation. Therefore, it is vital that real estate professionals learn this material so that they can protect themselves against errors, oversights and misunderstandings.

In this module you will learn about the types of general contracts as well as the different kinds of real estate contracts. The module provides the student with an overview of the various types of contracts: bilateral, unilateral, implied, express, executed, executory, valid, void, voidable and unenforceable. Once the student is introduced to the different types of contracts, he or she learns what makes a contract legally enforceable, this being the five components that make a contract valid: mutual assent, legally competent parties, consideration, lawful objective and adherence to a statute of frauds. This module includes the following lessons:

* Types of Contracts
* Features of a Legally Valid Contract
* Contract Fulfillment
* Real Estate Contracts

The fifth and concluding lesson in this module presents real-world dilemmas and concrete applications of the information presented in the rest of the course. As the student completes this module, he or she should try to develop a broad picture of environmental issues and how they fit into the larger practice of real estate; the last lesson will help with this project by presenting comprehensive content questions, practice problems and case studies.


Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:

# Name and explain the various components of a valid contract.
# Identify the differences between a unilateral and bilateral contract.
# Describe the various types of contracts.
# Recognize the difference between a forbearance and performance agreement.
# Outline the features of a contract (and the contracting parties) that make a contract legally binding.
# Recognize the general features of a completed contract.
# Identify when a contract can be discharged.
# Recognize the different kinds of real estate contract


Environmental Hazards More Less 4.0 $19.00

This course covers major environmental hazards. Licensees need to familiarize themselves with environmental issues because they have a responsibility to disclose to buyers any information that might affect their decision to buy. Environmental hazards can dramatically affect a property's value, so buyers, sellers, lenders and licensees all can be affected by them. This course includes the following lessons:

• The Indoor Environment
• The External Environment
• Legislation
• Disclosure and Site Assessment
• Real Estate Practice

Students will learn throughout this course to identify internal and external environmental issues. They will learn about health hazards, environmental legislation, liability and responsibility for cleanup and protection. They will also learn about actions they should take and how issues affect licensees and lending. Licensees are not expected to be environmental experts, but in this course students will acquire a competency with environmental issues which will help them to elucidate issues for buyers, sellers and lenders. Knowledge of environmental issues also will help protect them from charges of nondisclosure.

The conclusion of this course presents real world dilemmas and applications of the information presented. As the student completes this course, he or she should try to paint a big picture of environmental issues, which the course will address with comprehensive content questions, practices and case studies.

Real Estate FinanceMore Less 4.0 $19.00

This course provides an introduction to residential real estate finance, including information on the underwriting process for FHA, VA, FNMA & FHLMC loans. It includes the following lessons:

• Introduction to Loans
• Conventional Loans
• FHA Loans
• VA Loans
• The Basics of Real Estate Financing
• Real Estate Practice

In this course the student will learn the basics of the different types of loans available and the advantages and disadvantages of each; loan applications; appraisals; escrow; titles; and credit reports, including qualifying for loan amounts and verifying income and assets.

The student will also learn how to calculate loan amounts, estimate monthly payments from property taxes, hazard and mortgage insurance, qualifying ratios and income.

Fair Housing More Less 4.0 $19.00


This course is designed to increase your knowledge of federal and state fair housing laws and related civil rights and anti-discrimination laws that affect real property transactions. All real estate licensees need to understand who is protected by the fair housing laws, what acts are prohibited by these, and how the fair housing laws are enforced.The more knowledgeable you are about fair housing, the less likely you will be to commit fair housing violations. Course topics covered in this course include transactions covered by the law, discrimination, HUD advertising guidelines, equal housing opportunity, the equal credit opportunity act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


* What are the federal fair housing laws?
* Who is covered by the Fair Housing Act?
* What do the fair housing laws protect against?
* What transactions are not covered under federal law?
* See how an insurance agency is organized
* What is discrimination?
* What acts are considered discriminatory under the Fair Housing Act?
* What is the Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act?
* What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
* What are the penalties for non-compliance with fair housing laws?
* How can one avoid discriminating against others?
* What is the HUD/NAR Partnership and why is it important?
* What are the HUD Advertising guidelines?
* What are acceptable and unacceptable words and phrases to use in advertisements?
* How can a salesperson show evidence that he/she does not discriminate?


o LESSON 1: Introduction to Fair Housing
o LESSON 2: Discrimination
o LESSON 3: Other Legal Protections against Discrimination
o LESSON 4: Enforcement of Fair Housing Laws
o LESSON 5: How to Avoid Discrimination
o LESSON 6: Case Studies
o LESSON 7: Real World Practice


State agents need to complete 22.5 hours of state approved elective courses every 2 years and renew every two years from the date their license was received.

SEAT TIME: This course has been approved for 4 hours.



Quizzes - All quizzes must be taken to proceed forward to the next lesson.
Final Exam - You will be required to take a final exam.


After course completion, you will print and complete a course completion certificate and fax to the school. New York Department of State will be notified within one business week and a certificate mailed within 7-14 business days.

Tax Favorable Real Estate Transactions More Less 4.0 $19.00

Course Description

The objective of this course is to teach the real estate professional how he or she can help clients in buying and selling property on a tax-favorable basis.

The first two lessons of the course seek to provide a method of real estate purchase using pretax dollars and of growing the estate within a qualified product. We will discuss the application of current tax advantages of using both qualified and non-qualified tax products such as IRA's, SEP IRA, 401k, Roth IRAs and charitable gift annuities. The use of these applications will provide the real estate professional with the opportunity to create a long standing and profitable relationship with his or her clients, as well as attracting a more sophisticated investor wishing to find an alternative to 1031 exchanges.

The final lessons of this module will explain the many important aspects of Internal Revenue Code Section 1031. The course will focus on the benefits of the 1031 exchange for the investor, licensed real estate agent/broker and other parties to the transaction. Upon completion of this course, the student will learn which properties qualify under Section 1031 and how to use the various types of 1031 exchanges to enhance the client's position in the investment real estate market.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this module the student will:

* Be able to identify motivated buying and selling clients.
* Know the attributes of qualified and non-qualified products and how they can be of benefit to the sales process.
* Be able to identify the restrictive rulings of the 1031 exchange program.
* Know how money can be accumulated using pre-tax dollars, accumulate interest on a tax-deferred basis, and create litigation protection.
* Know charitable strategies of creating income and tax relief for individuals or families owning highly-appreciated real estate.
* Know about Charitable Gift Annuities, and the annuity payments, income benefits and tax advantages associated with them.
* Know the parameters that the IRS uses to define a valid like kind exchange.
* Know the pros and cons of various exchanging alternatives.
* Know the mechanics of a successful tax-deferred exchange and the role of each party in those exchanges.
* Be familiar with exchange documentation and the role of a qualified intermediary.
* Understand what constitutes "boot" and how to deal with it.
* Know how to calculate whether a sale is to be preferred over an exchange.

Regulatory Requirement

Our staff works diligently to provide you with an analysis of current mandates and legislation that affects you the licensee. All information pertaining to the Mandatory Continuing Education requirements can be found on the State Requirements page. You can find the link to this page on the upper Navigation bar on the Course Catalog.

Course Completion

Any applicable completion certificates or affidavits can be printed after completing the course and final exam.


Quizzes - There is a quiz at the end of each lesson to test comprehension of the subject matter.
Final Exam - Passing Grade 70%. You can take the final three times.

Closing and Settlement Costs (Computer Based) More Less 4.0 $19.00


This course provides an introduction to residential real estate finance, including information on how to underwrite FHA, VA, FNMA and FHLMC loans. Understanding this information will help the student assist his or her buyer- and seller-clients from the initial meeting, through the closing proceedings with basic financing and loan-qualification questions.In accordance with TREC rules Sections 535.71 and 535.72D, in this course, you will learn the basics of the different types of loans available, loan applications, appraisals, escrow, titles and credit reports, including qualifying for loan amounts and verifying income and assets. Upon completion of this module, the student will know how to calculate loan amounts, estimate monthly payments, property taxes, hazard and mortgage insurance (for conventional, FHA and VA) and qualifying ratios and income.

Code of EthicsMore Less 6.0 $19.00

This course is NOT approved by NAR. The course does contain the NAR mandated ethics topics, but it is up to the discretion of your Board or Association to decide if this course will fulfill your NAR ethics requirement.



This course covers broad issues of standards of conduct and moral judgment. Our discussion will be in two parts. Part one will discuss case studies as they pertain to various illegal as well as unethical actions. Part two will discuss the National Association of REALTORS ® Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.


* The study of standards of conduct and moral judgment
* The system or code of morals of a particular person, religion, groups, professional, etc.
* Required conduct of Real Estate Professionals as outlined in the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics


o LESSON 4: NAR CODE OF ETHICS AND STANDARDS OF PRACTICE Intentional Fraud Negligent Misrepresentation Negligence Sources for Disciplinary Action against Real Estate Licensees Antitrust Laws Price Fixing Group Boycotts Market Allocation Tying Arrangements What can a REALTOR® do? Criticism Participation in Enforcement of Law, Regulations, and the Code of Ethics Exclusive Representation Sharing knowledge and experience Avoidance of unfair advantage NAR Code of Ethics


State agents need to complete 22.5 hours of state approved elective courses every 2 years and renew every two years from the date their license was received.

SEAT TIME: This course has been approved for 3 hours.



Quizzes - All quizzes must be taken to proceed forward to the next lesson.
Final Exam - You will NOT be required to take a final exam.


After course completion, you will print and complete a course completion certificate and fax to the school. New York Department of State will be notified within one business week and a certificate mailed within 7-14 business days.


Linda Miller As an experienced real estate agent, Linda Miller has earned the respect and admiration of her peers. She holds the GRI designation and has been an active instructor of real estate related classes since 1994. Her commitment as an Associate Broker with Windermere/North Wall Street, in Spokane WA, provides the support needed to maintain a large and active real estate business. Linda has made a strong commitment to advancing professionalism within the REALTOR® community by focusing her course development and instruction on REALTOR® Ethics and Professional Standards. She regularly teaches these classes for the Spokane Association of Realtors and Washington Association of REALTORS®. She is an active member of the Spokane Association of REALTORS® , currently serving on the Education Committee and chairing the Professional Standards Committee. She was awarded the first WAR Frank Nardo Scholarship in 2000 and was awarded the James S. Black Scholarship in 2001. She was honored with the SAR Realtor Achievement Award in 2002. Her personal life revolves around her husband of 39 years, a retired Real Estate Appraiser, her two adult sons, a daughter-in-law and two very special granddaughters.

New York Education Requirements

Salesperson Licensing Requirements

The New York Department of Licensing Services requires education providers to issue course credit to students who complete the online course within the state-mandated time period. This means, to complete the course you must sit for the required number of hours; for example, to receive credit for a three-hour course, you must literally sit for three hours of instruction.

Before beginning the course, please note:

1. Timing Clock: Each lesson is timed. To complete a lesson, you must sit until the clock displays 0:00. If you close the browser, log out of the course player (browser with ‘iCourse Player 2.1.8 in top left corner), or leave your computer idle for longer than 10 minutes, THE TIMER WILL RESET. If this happens, then you must return to the BEGINNING OF THE LESSON and the TIME WILL BE RESET. (Suggestion: If you log out, please do so after you complete a lesson or before you begin a lesson.)

2. Idle Timer: The course player detects activity. If you leave the course player idle for 10 minutes, then you WILL BE LOGGED OUT OF THE LESSON. If this happens, then you must return to BEGINNING OF THE LESSON and the TIME WILL BE RESET. You MUST hit the GREEN PLAY BUTTON, to prevent triggering the idle timer.